Multi-Disciplinary Engineering Microsystems Group
Professor Victor Bright's Group
University of Colorado, Boulder
Ph: (303)735-1734
Recent news
Hilton Head Conference a Resounding Success!
June, 2016
The Colorado MEMS group had strong showing at the recent Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, 5-9 June 2016 held at Hilton Head Island, SC. The Hilton Head Workshop is one of the premier conferences in sensors, actuators, and microsystems:
Student Presentations
June, 2016
Nate Eigenfeld and Jonas Gertsch presented a paper:
N.T. Eigenfeld, J. Gertsch, G. Skidmore, S.M. George, and V.M. Bright, “Atomic layer etching of suspended ultra-thin structures,” Proc. Hilton Head Workshop 2016:
A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, pp. 137-140, 5-9 June 2016, Hilton Head Island, SC.
Student Presentations
June, 2016
Joe Brown and Nathan Moore presented a paper:
J.J. Brown, N.C. Moore, O. Supekar, and V.M. Bright, “Ultrathin loudspeakers from ALD,” Proc. Hilton Head Workshop 2016: A Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems Workshop, pp. 32-35, 5-9 June 2016, Hilton Head Island, SC.